
Viewing all Section 18A Tax Certificates for a Donor

To view all of a donor’s Section 18A certificates visit the donor’s profile, click on “Donors” to go to your donor’s page. Click on a Donor’s...

Generating Financial (Receipt) Reports

Sometimes organisations would like the option to view an entire breakdown report of all their receipts. To generate a report visit the reports page by...

Generating Financial (Projects) Reports

Sometimes organisations would like the option to view an entire breakdown report of all their projects. To generate a report visit the reports page by...

Viewing all Receipts for a Donor

To view all of a donor’s receipts, first go to your Donor’s Page. Click on the “Donors” tab. Click on a Donor’s Name to go to the donor’s...

Generating an IT3D File for SARS Section 18A Submission

Submitting section 18A certificates to SARS requires generating an IT3D file, which can be done seamlessly through the ActiveDonor platform. The IT3(d) report consolidates all...