
Creating a new user

To create a new user click on the settings icon in the top right corner. Click on the Usertab on the bar at the left...

Adding a Fundraiser

To add a fundraiser: When adding the user’s information, ensure that the user role is set to Fundraiser:

Assigning Roles and Permissions

Some users may not need to have access to all aspects of the system. This allows you to restrict access and set permissions for users. For...

Customising the text and layout on a Section 18A Tax Certificate

Click on the settings icon in the main menu bar. Go to settings in the drop down menu. Select certificates from theleft menu. Layouts & Colours:  Here you can select a certificate...

Managing Receipt Methods

There are a variety of ways in which organisations will receive donations e.g. Cash, Goods in Kind, Bank transfers etc. ActiveDonor allows you to set...

Managing Receipt Types

Sometimes there may be a multiple types of receipts an organization may create for different purposes e.g. Donations, Raffle sale, Tithes, Zakaat etc. ActiveDonor enables...

Managing Your Message Templates

When modifying your emails for the receipts go to your Settings section and click on the Templates tab.  Here you can edit the existing email templates...

Setting your organisation settings (logo etc.)

Welcome to the guide on setting up your organization profile in ActiveDonor CRM. This article will walk you through entering key details, such as your...

Managing Donor Categories (Tags)

Tags allow you to group your donors into categories e.g. VIP, Volunteer, Doctors, etc. Adding a donor category:

Reset Your Password

If you have forgotten your password, you can just click on the “Forgot Your Password?” link on your login screen. When you click on the link,...

Viewing the Activity Log

The activity log provides a history of all actions that were undertaken on the system by every user. The activity log is a read-only feature...

Uploading an electronic signature for Section 18A Certificate

In the event that your organisation’s section 18A certificate only requires one signature, you can go upload a global signature that will appear on all...

Setting up Newsletter Syncing

To set up Newsletter Syncing you will need a Mailchimp account. You can sign up for a free Mailchimp account with the link below. 1. Set...

Filling in IT3D Settings for Section 18A Submissions

1. Where to find IT3(d) Settings? Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen and then click on “settings“ Once...