Navigate to the Donors page and click on the Add Donor button, or you can click on the Add Donor shortcut icon located in the top right corner of every page.

On the donor form select the correct donor type ( i.e. Company, CC, NPC, Trust, Association or Estate)from the top right corner.

Enter the company’s name and a phone number or email address for this donor.
If your donor requires a Section 18A certificate, check the Section 18A required checkbox.
To add the donor’s address, and other information click on the Additional Fields button.
💡 Tip: The reference field is optional and can be any text or number. You can also use the reference to search for donors. |
For companies, you can optionally add one or more contact persons and their contact information e.g. the business owner, an accountant or any other person that you may liaise with.

Capture all the donor’s information and press the Create Donor button to save your changes.